Monday, September 15, 2008

Quip of the Year

My dear friend was talking to me in passing. I offered to pick her son up from school because she wasn't feeling well. Then I remembered I had a time conflict. She was very forgiving, and kindly but frankly quipped,

"You think with your heart. Your brain eventually catches up."

I laughed so hard, I nearly fell over, partly because of who said it, my sweet Hindu friend. Plus, this is SO me. In fact, I don't necessarily think. Whatever I do, my brain does eventually catch up, though....


kaje said...

hahaha... that's pretty funny! I think we all have a touch of that.

Shelly said...

I'm starting to "stop to think" when I go places so I don't forget items I need to take or do.

Now if I can only get my kids to be quiet when I stop to think...

I think with my heart too, you want to help, it's hard not to be able to (almost as hard as asking for help).

stewbert said...

*snort* That's awesome.

Thanks for the advice on my blog -- I responded to you there. :)

Tesana said...


My problem is that I can remember two things that happen at the same time, at different times and not realize the conflict until I try to go do them.

Stacy said...

My problem is I try to people please so much that I end up agreeing to whatever to the person I'm with, thereby offending the person I'm not with. Like when we're at home where both our parents are a few minutes apart, I agree to do things with whoever asks while I'm there, even if it conflicts with what I know I told the other family I'd do. It actually causes a lot of problems in our marriage communication.

Rachael said...

That sounds so very familiar!

Thanks for your comment at my blog- I responded there.

Anonymous said...

Very true, Kimberly. I wish I was more like you in that regard. I have a tendency to think through something too much. And if it's not in my daily planner, I freak. I'm so anal that way.

TJ said...

I just don't think.

I just tagged you on my blog, but if you don't want to do it, I won't care cuz I don't really like getting tagged myself.

Stephanie said...

i do that too. all the time. but sometimes my brain DOESN'T catch up.

thanks for delurking and being so nice in your comment.

very nice to meet you.

Stephanie said...

ps. brain just caught up in time to answer your questions.

-i don't remember why i said condom in front of grandma margie. and yes, i am living in her house.

the embarassing story also involves condoms. but that is all i will say.