Friday, March 13, 2009

The Drama

Never think you've got it figured out.

Why do we like to have this illusion of control? We all do it, don't deny it. We all feel better whenever we feel we're holding on to the illusion of control.


It's kind of amusing to me that despite my best efforts yesterday to teach a nice, organized scout lesson at 4 pm, before 5 pm Bryce ended up hitting and cutting his forehead in the cultural hall while playing with the other younger-than-scout-age-children and the poor babysitter had to run out and get me.

I left my scouts without a single word and went to assess the damage. A 3/8" long cut, but not as deep as we originally thought once the blood was cleaned up. I merged my den with another one and ran him home to put on butterfly bandages. Cross your fingers that I made the right decision (as opposed to getting stitches).


Rob came home early and I had a scout meeting to go to. I go, but not to the right building (Kimberly, double-check your email that contains the address *before* you leave!). By then I had quite a headache and felt a little nauseated, which is sometimes how I react after I've been the primary adult taking charge and giving first aid to bloody cuts. Once I know the person is safe and taken care of, my body allows itself to react to the mini-crisis.

Went to the right building 20 min. away, only to find the scout class I needed to take (that's only offered every 6 months) was cancelled at the last moment. Grr. Whatever. I attended Roundtable and I learned, so it wasn't a lost cause.

Came home, tired, had a LOT going on today. Brushed and flossed, and...

Wait, what was that? When I flossed? A piece of food? No, it's... part of my tooth. Lovely. A filling came out, which has never happened to me before.

So this morning all my plans were altered, calling the dentist, taking care of other things, going to volunteer, I have two parent teacher conferences, some X-rays to "check out" for a chiropractic appt. next week (they just called to say they're in storage, which is NOT organized), and a pinewood derby car to facilitate Jeffrey making.

Updated 3/14/09: Went to the dentist this morning, and learned I need a crown and two fillings besides replacing the filling that popped out. Grr. But the back-dr. office DID finally find my X-rays in storage so I can check them out and show them to my chiropractor.

I'm kinda laughing. Oh well. At least I keep trying.

Daily Gratitude:
1. Overheard Nathan just now, speaking to himself as though he were two different people:
Nathan 1--"Stop talking!" (with energy)
Nathan 2--"Ok. I'll stop talking." (quietly and politely)
Nathan 1--"I said stop talking!"
Nathan 2--"Ok. I'll stop."
Nathan 1--"Don't talk anymore!"
Nathan 2--"Ok, I'll stop talking.

This went on for about 2 full minutes. *chuckle*


  1. Oh, my. That is one crazy day. I'm glad you made it through with as good an attitude as possible. Sounds like Nathan is the one going crazy, though. That is so funny.

  2. Aren't you "grateful" for having a dentist? My tooth just died, what miracle modern medicine is. I'm sorry it was such a long day; and I hope your mini-crisis is complete. Love you!

  3. I'm exhausted just reading it. Scouts is a hard one. If we just didn't have our own kids to deal with...

  4. I'm so proud that you lived!!! And so did everyone else!! Yay yay!
