Saturday, May 2, 2009

Daily Gratitudes

1. Opposable thumbs

and especially the thumb grip for the many abilities of the pincer grasp. Somehow yesterday I got a little cut on my thumb and I put a bandaid over it (which feels slippery). Miss the true grip of that pincer grasp!

2. Dynamic email sort.

I am a resource person. My memory is just not terribly reliable, but I'm usually pretty quick at finding answers via whatever resource best fits my needs. How I love being able to quickly dig through particular emails by sorting either by date, name, or subject title.

It's SO much easier than trying to keep track of who sent what crucial information when (well, crucial for that day, week, or month, but maybe obsolete later). Speaking of resources, I also love excel and my palm pilot. : )

Last night I couldn't remember when an email was sent about a particular church activity, and simply "sorted" by sender, then found the info for the activity in seconds. In the last few days I have sorted from my inbox, my "sent" box, and my "deleted" box, depending on what I needed to look up.

3. Jeffrey growing socially.

He wanted to have a little party for his 10th birthday, and had 4 friends over yesterday. It was so great for all of them (including the "big" kid, my neighbor Kevin, who didn't want to miss out on the fun). They played basketball, rode bikes/scooters, and then played Mario Kart on the game cube, as well as shared pizza, cupcakes, and soda. Later, Jeffrey's first real "friend" (that he iniated; he has some friends that I & other parents have helped foster) slept over, and they got up at 5:30 this morning to play more video games!

I'm so, SO happy to see Jeffrey becoming socially aware. : ) It's good to have friends.

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