Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Full transcript of Nathan's Bedtime Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank Thee for this day.
Thank Thee for myself.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

(I was chuckling for days!)


  1. Do your boys just say the funniest things or are you just really good at documenting them? I love their quotes.

  2. Believe me, Emily, it's the boys. They say the funniest things. : )

    When Nathan was little he used to point up at the moon at night and say, "Bwoken moon, mommy" with concern.

    But then again I'm always a sucker for documenting these types of quotes, or I forget them.

    I still remember, around age 15, recording in the margin of my journal Kyle's exclamation at heavy hail; he was maybe three and burst out to my mom, "Mommy! Ice cubes are jumping on the trampoline!" --I forget the funny quotes if I don't write them down.

    I'm *still* cracking up at Nathan's one about not being a "real" scientist. So random!
