Thursday, January 7, 2010

Comatose & still witty

Day before yesterday, I wake up early enough to help get Jeffrey up and started on his morning routine.

I start tugging on his arm. "Wake up, wake up; come on, Jeffrey. It's time to get up."

Then I hafta go potty. So I do, but there's no TP. I call out to Jeffrey, thinking I'm so smart-- "Jeffrey, I need toilet paper! Please!"

Nothing. No dice.

I figure things out, and then go back to Jeffrey, and start tugging on his arm again, but decide to try the same tactic. "Jeffrey, Jeffrey! You've got to get up! I NEED you to get me some toilet paper!"

The child, who hasn't moved once this entire time, or showed a single sign of coherency, says with his eyes closed:

"If you can make it over to me, you can get to the toilet paper."


  1. LOL! I wonder where he gets that whole "hard to wake" thing...

  2. Hahahaha, that is way funny, thanks for making me laugh!

  3. That's hilarious! And so very reproving.

  4. I literally laughed out loud! Of course, you didn't know that you would be holding a new and fourth little son in nine more hours!

  5. Congrats on the birth of little Carter.

  6. Shelly-- I know, right? He's so much like me in so many ways. I am definitely hard to wake!

    Jen-- I love that it made you laugh. It cracks me up.

    Chastity-- I love your comment, too, about him essentially reproving me. And I think it's *totally* hilarious.

    Stewbert-- Yeah, he is sharp as a tack!

    Mom-- It's true. This literally happened within a day or two before Carter was born. I happened to post about it Thursday night and then had a baby a few hours later.

    Kim-- Thank you! We just got home from the hospital today, and are all cooing over little Carter!

  7. ps-- Mom, I love that you laughed out loud. I'm telling you all, it amused me so much I kept smiling about it for a couple of days before I decided I *had* to post it. : )
